concerto in spiaggia

Events in Cesenatico

The town of Cesenatico is the center of many events throughout the year. The main ones that take place during the summer have become characteristic events that attract a large number of people.

  • Fiera di Pentecoste – June

  • La notte del liscio –  June

  • Notte Rosa – 5/7 July: la Notte Rosa is called the New Year’s Eve.

  • Concerti all’alba – every Sunday in July and August

  • Notturni alle Conserve – July and August

  • 28^ Cuccagna dell’Adriatico – July

  • Festa di Garibaldi / fuchi d’artificio – August

  • Benedizione del mare, 15 August – Procession along the Porto Canale, excursion in the sea on board of motor ships and historic boats with the launch of a crown in memory of the fallen in the sea

    (events page updated)